Monday, January 3, 2011

A moment of cynicism: My "realistic" New Year's resolution

Let's be completely honest here. I'm probably not going to look, act or feel any differently today, tomorrow, or by the end of this year.
I'm not going to embark in a new world of fitness, health and nutrition. Indeed, I will continue to spread Nutella and cream cheese on all my foods, and I will do so very happily, thank you very much.
I'll also not have a six pack of abs, nor will I promise to work out everyday.
And it's doubtful any life-changing event will renew all my thoughts, my attitude, faith or character in the next 365 days.

Yesterday, the boyfriend and I were getting our weekly dosage of self-esteem boosters through Facebook statuses. My favorite is when people post hourly statuses of their drunkenness. First of all, the party you're at must suck. Get off your phone and socialize, dammit. Secondly, you sound like a moron.

But, I digress.

It's the new year, and of course status updates are all about resolutions and profoundness.

"Have a happy new years! New year, new me!" read one update. That person should resolve to improve her grammar instead of promising a total physical, mental and spiritual renewal simply because the number 2010 has changed to 2011.

Another person said they'd be happy every day in 2011.

Yeah. Okay.

So here are my realistic resolutions:
I will be a little healthier this year. I'll take the stairs, try a couple healthy recipes a week, and try to run more than three miles a couple times a month. Yesterday, my brother told me I'm fat and that I need to do something about it. I'll take his advice with baby steps.
I will write more. Because my boss needs to be reminded that I'm here, in the cubicle in front of him, and that I'd like to keep learning, improving  and continue to advance my career.
and lastly...
I will keep taking pictures, and keep getting better at it. I plan to renew my 365 project this year. Taking- or trying to- one picture a day.
I will try to stop buying shoes. I will. I'll try.

1 comment:

  1. Love this Zai ! I made no resolutions either. I just wished for peace, love, & happiness. I'm sure that I'll get this at least half of the year.... right?

    Love you bestie! :)
