Sunday, June 20, 2010

10 things I learned after dating a #$%@#^#^

This is me being my own therapist. :)

10. I learned that it's okay to have my own, separate goals and live them out separately, but together. My priorities have always been the important things: school, family, my career and doing whatever makes me happy. It's fine to do your own thing, just make sure to share your experiences with that person, even if it's just talking about it and not actually experiencing it together.

9. If no one will say it, I will: when he/she is not finding the spot, ya better draw out a map and help a brotha/sista out. No one knows what makes you get the tingles better than yourself. Speak up if your significant other is completely clueless down there --- just don't be mean about it! The relationship is sooo much better when the intimacy is great. No one should ever have to overlook bad sex!!!

8. No, hanging out with your ex is NOT okay. I never had a problem with this up until, well, it became a problem. I'd never want to tell someone I love to stop talking to someone else, and if the right person comes around, I shouldn't have to. Anyone in their right mind should know it's okay to stay on good terms with an ex, but a complete disrespect to bring em around.

7. Your friends are your friends, and my friends are mine. It's fine to have mutual friends, but it's necessary to have your own friends.

6. On that note, friend days are a MUST. It makes you miss your booboo and appreciate your time together. It also allows you to experience "you time" and not so much "us time." Gossip and wine with the girls keep a woman sane!

5. Call me naïve, but it's okay to not snoop. I never did and it made me feel confident and secure about myself. I just thought I had no reason to. CLEARLY I was wrong (!!!) but I wouldn't have it any other way. Jealousy and insecurity are wasted emotions.

3. Never go to sleep angry at each other. Resolve all your issues before bedtime, kiss and makeup!

2. Breakups are not the end of the world. They allow for change and growth. People break up all the time. Seriously, get over it and make the best of it. I did!

1. Forgive and forget. I promise it will set you free. I'm still working on the forgetting part, but the forgiving stage is done and over with and it's a great feeling. :)

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